sells beating buys doesn't tell us how much
In michaelsam9 video #304 that's all I was trying to say.
Huge sales could only be beating huge buys by a little, shipping alot of gold and silver to China that may be closed about many things but not its desire to have the world reserve currency backed by commodities including lots of gold and silver.
By the way someone said Harvey Organ discusses sales volume: &
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Does anyone know $ gold/silver volume (buys & sales)?
Does anyone know $ gold/silver volume (buys & sales)?
Is it possible the banksters are selling like never before and China is buying all it wants to discretely buy?
The banksters want to scare out gold and silver longs and China won't buy paper gold and silver.
That's what I call being literally being "between a rock and a hard place".
Gold and silver are going east permanently but how much is going?
Is it possible the banksters are selling like never before and China is buying all it wants to discretely buy?
The banksters want to scare out gold and silver longs and China won't buy paper gold and silver.
That's what I call being literally being "between a rock and a hard place".
Gold and silver are going east permanently but how much is going?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
tues/9/27/2011: gold & silver up
tues/9/27/2011: gold & silver up
And so are their square roots.
Monday: gold square root was off all of 0.36 & silver square root was off all of 0.01.
And so are their square roots.
Monday: gold square root was off all of 0.36 & silver square root was off all of 0.01.
Monday, September 26, 2011
sinclair's sq roots reduce panic
sinclair's sq roots reduce panic
Using Jim Sinclair's square root approach, first for gold:
___________________sq root__________
2011-09-20 1804.80 42.48 TUESDAY
2011-09-21 1780.50 42.20 WEDNESDAY
2011-09-22 1736.20 41.67 THURSDAY
2011-09-23 1657.20 40.71 FRIDAYThat's not very much on the way to 112 x 112 (12,544).
Using Jim Sinclair's square root approach, next for silver:
_________________sq root__________
_________________sq root__________
2011-09-20 39.74 06.30 TUESDAY
2011-09-21 39.62 06.29 WEDNESDAY
2011-09-22 35.84 05.99 THURSDAY
2011-09-23 30.93 05.56 FRIDAY
That's not very much on the way to 17 x 17 (289) or more depending on the gold to silver ratio.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
"I'd rather be a year early than a day late..."
"I'd rather be a year early than a day late..."
Chris Martenson, 6/16/2009
I think it's important to get in the game, the bull market for gold and silver, instead of trying to time buys microscopically.
Waiting too long can make what Chris said come true.
For example, I'm in the black on everything I bought earliest, regardless how poor my timing and/or my luck was.
I believe getting in has to be the first concern generally but especially right now with manipulation maximized because its days are numbered because buys will soon be increased by China.
We now know from experience and reporting that China has been slowly buying gold and silver for the last 10 years and prices have gone up despite manipulation, but now China is soon to make all gold and silver buying totally computerized from individuals' and businesses' personal computers.
So what's happening now at the end of the third quarter of 2011 may be the last great attempt to make obscene profits and scare out longs with savage selling.
And longs are learning from the multi-year experience to ride out the price drops and/or buy into them, but not to be scared out.
So I'll leave longs with the quote I started with so they don't get too cute with timing buys since after all this is the "mother" of all gold and silver dumps as China gears up to buy more gold and silver:
Chris Martenson, 6/16/2009
I think it's important to get in the game, the bull market for gold and silver, instead of trying to time buys microscopically.
Waiting too long can make what Chris said come true.
For example, I'm in the black on everything I bought earliest, regardless how poor my timing and/or my luck was.
I believe getting in has to be the first concern generally but especially right now with manipulation maximized because its days are numbered because buys will soon be increased by China.
We now know from experience and reporting that China has been slowly buying gold and silver for the last 10 years and prices have gone up despite manipulation, but now China is soon to make all gold and silver buying totally computerized from individuals' and businesses' personal computers.
So what's happening now at the end of the third quarter of 2011 may be the last great attempt to make obscene profits and scare out longs with savage selling.
And longs are learning from the multi-year experience to ride out the price drops and/or buy into them, but not to be scared out.
So I'll leave longs with the quote I started with so they don't get too cute with timing buys since after all this is the "mother" of all gold and silver dumps as China gears up to buy more gold and silver:
"I'd rather be a year early than a day late..."
Saturday, September 24, 2011
sheeple reject stocks, not gold & silver
sheeple reject stocks, not gold & silver
It may look like a rejection of gold and silver but it's really a rejection of stocks.
Stocks are down causing some people to sell gold and silver to cover their margins.
Then there's always manipulation like the gold and silver margin hikes announced when some markets were closed.
Finally, we have been warned over and over that the swings, not just up but down would increase as gold breaks the $2000 and higher barriers and silver the $50 and higher ones.
Buy or don't buy right now but don't wait too long because the major trend is up and the sooner one gets in the less vulnerable one is to the down swings.
In other words, people who got in a year ago have a better chance of always staying above what they invested no matter how big the swings down are.
It may look like a rejection of gold and silver but it's really a rejection of stocks.
Stocks are down causing some people to sell gold and silver to cover their margins.
Then there's always manipulation like the gold and silver margin hikes announced when some markets were closed.
Finally, we have been warned over and over that the swings, not just up but down would increase as gold breaks the $2000 and higher barriers and silver the $50 and higher ones.
Buy or don't buy right now but don't wait too long because the major trend is up and the sooner one gets in the less vulnerable one is to the down swings.
In other words, people who got in a year ago have a better chance of always staying above what they invested no matter how big the swings down are.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
east fundamentals better despite west
east fundamentals better despite west
Fundamentals haven't changed in the west - we're hearing the words "gold standard" but how much can the banksters be buying considering they are spending $847 billion, $400 billion for the interest rate "twist" and $447 billion for jobs, and gold and silver prices continue to be suppressed by selling more and more which ends up in the east PERMANENTLY because...
Fundamentals have changed in the east - China is PERMANENTLY buying gold and silver aggressively and wants it citizens and/or its millions of businesses to do the same as it prepares to become the new world reserve currency.
China takes all the gold and silver it can PERMANENTLY when the western banksters dump theirs to prepare for their regular, but soon to be tougher to pull off, shorts to make lots of profits, all in dollars, and keep gold and silver prices artificially low to convince the sheeple that all is well.
Time is running out on this kind of action because it's clearly a one way road east for gold and silver, PERMANENTLY.
That will cause gold and silver to finally get to the $12,500 price for gold and a $300+ price for silver (at 40:1 which may be high since less silver is above ground and about 15:1 is below).
Fundamentals haven't changed in the west - we're hearing the words "gold standard" but how much can the banksters be buying considering they are spending $847 billion, $400 billion for the interest rate "twist" and $447 billion for jobs, and gold and silver prices continue to be suppressed by selling more and more which ends up in the east PERMANENTLY because...
Fundamentals have changed in the east - China is PERMANENTLY buying gold and silver aggressively and wants it citizens and/or its millions of businesses to do the same as it prepares to become the new world reserve currency.
China takes all the gold and silver it can PERMANENTLY when the western banksters dump theirs to prepare for their regular, but soon to be tougher to pull off, shorts to make lots of profits, all in dollars, and keep gold and silver prices artificially low to convince the sheeple that all is well.
Time is running out on this kind of action because it's clearly a one way road east for gold and silver, PERMANENTLY.
That will cause gold and silver to finally get to the $12,500 price for gold and a $300+ price for silver (at 40:1 which may be high since less silver is above ground and about 15:1 is below).
gold & silver down but fundamentals same
gold & silver down but fundamentals same
"Twist" action by the US government to sell short-term bonds and buy long-term bonds doesn't get rid of the short-term bonds, someone will still have them.
There's still a massive foreign debt which Jim Sinclair said in 2011 will result in gold prices of $12,544 in 2015.
Remember in 2003 he correctly predicted $1650 for gold in 2011.
Nothing has changed his earlier 2011 predictions for gold and silver to break $2000 and $50 around the end of 2011.
So I'm holding both.
"Twist" action by the US government to sell short-term bonds and buy long-term bonds doesn't get rid of the short-term bonds, someone will still have them.
There's still a massive foreign debt which Jim Sinclair said in 2011 will result in gold prices of $12,544 in 2015.
Remember in 2003 he correctly predicted $1650 for gold in 2011.
Nothing has changed his earlier 2011 predictions for gold and silver to break $2000 and $50 around the end of 2011.
So I'm holding both.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
someone said paul people in all 3 branches
someone said paul people in all 3 branches
I don't think that's going to happen I said, especially with some judges in for life.
Then I remembered how much power the other branch, Congress, has given the President, not for Libertarian Party purposes I'm sure.
They shouldn't have done that and I don't think a lame duck Congress and President can undo much between 11/07/2012 and 1/19/2013.
I don't think that's going to happen I said, especially with some judges in for life.
Then I remembered how much power the other branch, Congress, has given the President, not for Libertarian Party purposes I'm sure.
They shouldn't have done that and I don't think a lame duck Congress and President can undo much between 11/07/2012 and 1/19/2013.
search: "ron paul:" US declare bankruptcy 2011
search: "ron paul:" US declare bankruptcy 2011
I think about it for the US everyday.
Ron Paul must too, there were about 741,000 results.
I think about it for the US everyday.
Ron Paul must too, there were about 741,000 results.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Jobs Through Gold? stolen fr ron paul?
Jobs Through Gold? story stolen fr ron paul?
In my humble opinion this is an attempt to "steel the thunder" from Ron Paul who was the first candidate to talk about balanced budgets which are facilitated by a gold standard.
The other talk is window dressing: Keynes (spend in busts & tax in booms (of course, tax in booms was never mentioned)) versus Laffer (supply side meaning lower taxes for the upper classes providing assets to trickle down to us pions (of course, "trickle down" was never mentioned)).
This story linked and displayed below is just one more way to marginalize Ron Paul.
From, 9/19/2011:
The Defining Issue Of The 2012 Elections: Jobs Through Gold?
Ralph Benko, Contributor
Economic growth policy, especially the gold standard; and populism.
The candidates of both parties finally have realized that the defining issue of the 2012 presidential election will be job creation. President Barack Obama leads with a proposal that commentator Larry Kudlow calls, persuasively, a straight jacket rather than a jobs creator. The Wall Street Journal loves the plan put forth by the fast-fading Huntsman andslams the first-tier Romney plan. Meanwhile, a credible key to explosive jobs growth begins to come to the fore: a credible monetary policy prescription for a seriously stable dollar.
A sure signal of a rising policy vector? The Washington Post sends forth a top gunslinger to attack it — “it” being the gold standard and the GOP candidates for considering it. The Washington Post‘s Pulitzer-winning business and economics columnist Steven Pearlstein writes in his Sept. 10 column, “The magical world of voodoo ‘economists’“:
If you came up with a bumper sticker that pulls together the platform of this year’s crop of Republican presidential candidates, it would have to be:
Repeal the 20th century. Vote GOP.
They reject as thoroughly discredited all of Keynesian economics….
They also reject the efficacy of monetary stimulus to fight recession, and give the strong impression they wouldn’t mind abolishing the Federal Reserve and putting the country back on the gold standard.
… Rick Perry stands up and declares that “Keynesian policy and Keynesian theory is now done,” not one candidate is willing to speak up for the most important economic thinker of the 20th century….
I realize economics isn’t a science the way biology and physics are sciences, but it’s close enough to one that there are ideas, principles and insights from experience that economists generally agree upon. Listening to the Republicans talk about the economy and economic policy, however, is like entering into an alternative reality.
Too facile and too glib, Steve.
To call Keynes “the most important economic thinker of the 20th century” is, well, just weird. Ten years ago no less than The New Yorker’s John Cassidy wrote an extensive column, The Price Prophet, explaining why Hayek, not Keynes, was the most important economic thinker of the 20th century. Cassidy is no right winger. Pearlstein, do at least try to keep up.
Hayek, speaking about the “Pretense of Knowledge” upon his acceptance of the Nobel Prize in Economics (kooky, Steve?), talked about the very “ ideas, principles and insights from experience that economists generally agree upon” on which Pearlstein’s confidence depends:
The credit which the apparent conformity with recognized scientific standards can gain for seemingly simple but false theories may, as the present instance shows, have grave consequences.
In fact, in the case discussed, the very measures which the dominant “macroeconomic” theory has recommended as a remedy for unemployment — namely, the increase of aggregate demand — have become a cause of a very extensive misallocation of resources which is likely to make later large-scale unemployment inevitable.
With unemployment stuck at brutally high rates— grave consequences indeed — perhaps some humility is called for. As Don Boudreaux writes at Café Hayek, “Keynes was – without any intention of slurring him – an opportunist and an operator….”Keynes was a humanitarian pragmatist, not a dogmatist. It is unlikely, were he alive today, to find him with the “Keynesians” standing athwart history — or at least federal spending — shoutingMore!
But it would be naïve to expect humility from the elites, however abysmal their performance. The economic policy foot soldiers of the Reagan Revolution took The Washington Post‘s ridicule much the same way that the Revolutionary War soldiers took the ridicule of the Redcoats who considered us rabble and called the Americans Yankee Doodle Dandies — meaning dilettantes.
It’s ever thus. Elites ridiculed the 1970s Supply Side as “Voodoo Economics” precisely as Pearlstein does today. Candidate, then President, Reagan, derided as “an amiable dunce” by establishment Brahmin Clark Clifford, opened up a can of whoopass, beat his era’s ridiculing elitists, and engaged policies that, built upon by his successor Bill Clinton propelled the Dow from under 1,000 to, now, around 12,000.
Free markets weren’t voodoo. They were mojo. They still are.
Reagan’s unfinished symphony was, of course, the gold standard. Reagan supported gold, but gold got sidetracked by the hell-for-leather campaign to reduce the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 28%. Reagan and his successors enjoyed “the great moderation” of stable money that ensued but which, inevitably, ended. Now, in the low employment being wrought by monetary anarchy, is the right time for taking up the gold standard.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was recently described by Forbes’ Opinions and editor John Tamny as “easily the worst Fed Chairman in history.” In 2005 Tamny, almost or entirely alone, argued against Bernanke’s appointment in The Scary Side of Ben Bernanke, which concludes: “For his views on money, Bernanke has the potential to be very dangerous.” The Post‘s position “in the tank with Ben Bernanke” fails to give GOP presidential hopefuls credit for a desire to replace Bernanke. The Post thereby forfeits another opportunity for a substantive discussion.
There is something more than a little disorienting at seeing one of the soldiers of the Washington Post, red as its coats have grown, conclude his column with a triumphant embrace of the president whose downfall his predecessors at thePost brought about:
“It took a while, but even Richard Nixon came around to declaring himself a Keynesian. Maybe there is still hope for Perry and the gang.”
Hope? This seems to say that it is Pearlstein’s hope that GOP candidates like Rick Perry (and the “gang”) will … measure up to … the personal integrity? … the wonderful stagflation? … of Richard Nixon. Yet … Pearlstein writes that “Listening to the Republicans talk about economic policy … is like entering into an alternative reality.” Discuss.
Saul Alinsky memorably teaches us (Rule 4!) that “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” The left does it well and Pearlstein adds his handsome face to a rapidly lengthening parade of left-leaning policy advocates astonished at the resurgence of the gold standard. Pearlstein joins Paul Krugman, Barry Eichengreen, Thomas Frank, Mike Konczal, ThinkProgress‘s Matt Yglesias and Marie Diamond, The Washington Monthly‘s Steve Benen and Michael O’Hare, among others, in ridiculing the GOP for its interest in gold as a jobs generator.
With due respect to Rule 4 — how much more productive and interesting this conversation might become if the left would add to its ridicule even a soupçon of facts or a half-hearted effort to engage with the evidence that the gold standard is the most promising way to get robust job generation going.
As this writer has said before:
Monetary policy is the most recondite yet most pervasive and powerful of economic forces. Keynes, in The Economic Consequences of the Peace, wrote, “There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”
The converse also is true. Restoring real monetary integrity engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of prosperity. And forces for monetary reform are very much in motion within the GOP.
The converse also is true. Restoring real monetary integrity engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of prosperity. And forces for monetary reform are very much in motion within the GOP.
A serious Republican/Democratic dialogue about reopening the gold window, about how best to use the gold standard to exorcise the specter of unemployment that is haunting America and Europe, is overdue. Publisher and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes has called for the discussion to move from “whether” to “which” gold standard. Ridicule from TheWashington Post shows that gold’s moment rapidly draws closer.
Onward to gold.
r paul ignoring gold, his best card
r paul ignoring gold, his best card
He won't play the gold card:
* the one he benefited from personally
* the one everyone could benefit from personally since there's so little gold and silver and so many more dollars out there then are needed
* the one in a bull market for over 10 years yet most funds and individuals are not in it, yet.
I'm not sure he's ready to go all out to win the hardest job to get in the US.
Same goes for his supporters.
Most people don't consider themselves libertarians, the mainstream media is painting him and them as cuckoos, why not add gold into the mix, or he can end up like he did in 2008, nowhere.
So this is no time for a traditional campaign, for if that's what it'g going to be he might as well retire and stop wasting everybody's time.
He won't play the gold card:
* the one he benefited from personally
* the one everyone could benefit from personally since there's so little gold and silver and so many more dollars out there then are needed
* the one in a bull market for over 10 years yet most funds and individuals are not in it, yet.
I'm not sure he's ready to go all out to win the hardest job to get in the US.
Same goes for his supporters.
Most people don't consider themselves libertarians, the mainstream media is painting him and them as cuckoos, why not add gold into the mix, or he can end up like he did in 2008, nowhere.
So this is no time for a traditional campaign, for if that's what it'g going to be he might as well retire and stop wasting everybody's time.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
bankster p/r a success
bankster p/r a success
If Jim Sinclair is right then gold s/b $12,544 right now, TODAY, without manipulation.
Look at the break we're getting on prices AND gold and silver have gone up enough anyway to allow alot of people to start to get going, a lot of people to get going and alot of people to get more than just get going.
The banksters are so into public relations they're giving the store away!
Sinclair's $12,544 is based on TODAY'S foreign debt.
If Jim Sinclair is right then gold s/b $12,544 right now, TODAY, without manipulation.
Look at the break we're getting on prices AND gold and silver have gone up enough anyway to allow alot of people to start to get going, a lot of people to get going and alot of people to get more than just get going.
The banksters are so into public relations they're giving the store away!
Sinclair's $12,544 is based on TODAY'S foreign debt.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
bankster critics have no traction
bankster critics have no traction
Max Keiser and others are just not breaking through enough to the mainstream media.
We're now hearing in the big media about buying gold and silver and invading Iraq being based on a lie.
But we're not hearing that buying gold and silver is necessary because big banks working with the fed and government are printing the US dollar into oblivion.
We're not hearing that Iraq and Libya and Iran are about oil for gold.
We're not hearing that over-regulation exists to stifle job creation in order to squeeze US residents who demand stupid things like living wages and benefits that all the other developed countries have.
The bottom line is that Journalism 2.0 is just not making it substantively to commercial tv and US residents are going to learn the hard way through mild and/or severe inflation when dollars come home because everybody outside and some inside the US don't want them.
I know some of these Journalism 2.0 sites are making a difference but I think events are going to beat them to getting the average US resident to realize just how much he/she has been inflation-ally taxed for over 40 years now.
I don't think even the Ron Paul campaign will keep up with events, although he might be someone people will turn to when the economy collapses again.
Max Keiser and others are just not breaking through enough to the mainstream media.
We're now hearing in the big media about buying gold and silver and invading Iraq being based on a lie.
But we're not hearing that buying gold and silver is necessary because big banks working with the fed and government are printing the US dollar into oblivion.
We're not hearing that Iraq and Libya and Iran are about oil for gold.
We're not hearing that over-regulation exists to stifle job creation in order to squeeze US residents who demand stupid things like living wages and benefits that all the other developed countries have.
The bottom line is that Journalism 2.0 is just not making it substantively to commercial tv and US residents are going to learn the hard way through mild and/or severe inflation when dollars come home because everybody outside and some inside the US don't want them.
I know some of these Journalism 2.0 sites are making a difference but I think events are going to beat them to getting the average US resident to realize just how much he/she has been inflation-ally taxed for over 40 years now.
I don't think even the Ron Paul campaign will keep up with events, although he might be someone people will turn to when the economy collapses again.
Friday, September 16, 2011
trying to get up nerve to email Chinese Embassy
trying to get up nerve to email Chinese Embassy:
My draft email:
Subject: food exporting
If China were to concentrate on food importing, food processing and food exporting, then it may be able to do all its exporting without selling to the US and Europe and their ever increasing inventories of paper money which hurt US residents and everyone else.
My draft email:
Subject: food exporting
If China were to concentrate on food importing, food processing and food exporting, then it may be able to do all its exporting without selling to the US and Europe and their ever increasing inventories of paper money which hurt US residents and everyone else.
The economies of scale would be so large when the customers are the over 5.5 billion people who need to eat every day, that exports to the west might be unnecessary.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
if china 2 go 4 food exports may not need west's customers
if china 2 go 4 food exports may not need west's customers
There has been alot of talk about China needing the US and Europe for customers, but if China concentrated on raw food import, food processing and international delivery then they would have over 5.5 billion potential non-Chinese customers.
Due to US dollar over-creation many in the world can't afford to eat.
If China concentrated more on large numbers with little to spend instead of the bigger US and European economies, it might just get out from under the bind it's in needing the bigger economies.
Economies of scale would be unsurpassed as a means to keep costs down.
And it's already bypassing dollars in trade with Russia since 2010 and this has spread to some other countries.
I don't think there's any reason it could not bypass dollars in its massive food exports to the poorest nations.
There has been alot of talk about China needing the US and Europe for customers, but if China concentrated on raw food import, food processing and international delivery then they would have over 5.5 billion potential non-Chinese customers.
Due to US dollar over-creation many in the world can't afford to eat.
If China concentrated more on large numbers with little to spend instead of the bigger US and European economies, it might just get out from under the bind it's in needing the bigger economies.
Economies of scale would be unsurpassed as a means to keep costs down.
And it's already bypassing dollars in trade with Russia since 2010 and this has spread to some other countries.
I don't think there's any reason it could not bypass dollars in its massive food exports to the poorest nations.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Easy for well heeled to cut aid they're not on
Easy for well heeled to cut aid they're not on
This video is like many others, several white men in suits sitting around a table talking about eliminating programs they're not on and will never need.
I got if off facebook group "why buy gold? (and silver!)"
This video is over an hour to make sure the point is made that the 99.9%, taxed by inflation since 8/15/1971, will make more sacrifices while the upper 0.1% gets to keep the over 60% of all assets it has according to as of 8/2011.
The round table group blames the government and the fed but not the big banks, etc. and all the big stockholders in the upper 0.1% that benefited from taxpayers saving the big banks, etc.
This calm, talking happy though also sad, little get-together is preparing us for being on our own even if it's a death sentence, like for someone who has no assets and no family and is too old or ill to work despite a new retirement age in the 70s.
Surely someone will volunteer to help.
But you know what the problem with volunteerism is, it's voluntary.
This video is like many others, several white men in suits sitting around a table talking about eliminating programs they're not on and will never need.
I got if off facebook group "why buy gold? (and silver!)"
This video is over an hour to make sure the point is made that the 99.9%, taxed by inflation since 8/15/1971, will make more sacrifices while the upper 0.1% gets to keep the over 60% of all assets it has according to as of 8/2011.
The round table group blames the government and the fed but not the big banks, etc. and all the big stockholders in the upper 0.1% that benefited from taxpayers saving the big banks, etc.
This calm, talking happy though also sad, little get-together is preparing us for being on our own even if it's a death sentence, like for someone who has no assets and no family and is too old or ill to work despite a new retirement age in the 70s.
Surely someone will volunteer to help.
But you know what the problem with volunteerism is, it's voluntary.
j sinclair: gold balances foreign debt
j sinclair: gold balances foreign debt
This is part of what Jim Sinclair is saying - without market manipulation the gold price will balance the foreign debt.
Taking the foreign debt the US has today, 2011/09/13, removing Chinese debt, taking 90% of the balance, adding 50% of China's debt, then dividing all this by the amount of gold supposed to be held by the US government (8,000+ tons?), the result is the price of gold that will balance the foreign budget.
This price is estimated by Jim to be $12,544 per ounce.
Using 8,000 tons exactly, 8000 times 12 troy ounces per troy pound times 2450 pounds per troy ton = 235,200,000 ounces.
235,200,000 ounces times $12,544 = $2,959,034,880,000 = approximately $3 trillion, keeping in mind every country but China is writing off 10% and China is writing off 50%.
This is part of what Jim Sinclair is saying - without market manipulation the gold price will balance the foreign debt.
Taking the foreign debt the US has today, 2011/09/13, removing Chinese debt, taking 90% of the balance, adding 50% of China's debt, then dividing all this by the amount of gold supposed to be held by the US government (8,000+ tons?), the result is the price of gold that will balance the foreign budget.
This price is estimated by Jim to be $12,544 per ounce.
Using 8,000 tons exactly, 8000 times 12 troy ounces per troy pound times 2450 pounds per troy ton = 235,200,000 ounces.
235,200,000 ounces times $12,544 = $2,959,034,880,000 = approximately $3 trillion, keeping in mind every country but China is writing off 10% and China is writing off 50%.
2 musts: r paul prez & bankster genes = 0
2 musts: r paul prez & bankster genes = 0
Both are necessary and sufficient to making the US work again.
Ron Paul getting elected is important but we must simultaneously rid the world of all bankster genes.
The best way to do that is by encouraging people to buy gold and silver which banksters hate, and keep talking about prosecuting banksters as traitors and war criminals, but ones too sick to stand trial and thus belonging in institutions forever where they can't manipulate and they can't mate.
Mostly, Ron Paul must emphasize what he has done with gold and silver, that he has already set a good example for others by investing in gold and silver and achieving financial success as a result.
Both are necessary and sufficient to making the US work again.
Ron Paul getting elected is important but we must simultaneously rid the world of all bankster genes.
The best way to do that is by encouraging people to buy gold and silver which banksters hate, and keep talking about prosecuting banksters as traitors and war criminals, but ones too sick to stand trial and thus belonging in institutions forever where they can't manipulate and they can't mate.
Mostly, Ron Paul must emphasize what he has done with gold and silver, that he has already set a good example for others by investing in gold and silver and achieving financial success as a result.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
r paul made $ on gold, s/b pushing us 2 do same
r paul made $ on gold, s/b pushing us 2 do same
What's going on here?
The public buying and holding gold and silver hurts banksters & will help Ron Paul to fix the US after elected.
He should be proud he read the market right in 2001 & s/b telling everyone else.
What's going on here?
The public buying and holding gold and silver hurts banksters & will help Ron Paul to fix the US after elected.
He should be proud he read the market right in 2001 & s/b telling everyone else.
What's going on here?
Monday, September 12, 2011
prez r paul + 0 banksters = win
prez r paul + 0 banksters = win
* Slowly eliminate regulation as the banksters and their genes are removed and trust in big business and government returns to the people.
Without the bankster/government/media complex being gone, regulations can't be allowed to "wither away" the way Karl Marx talked about the eventual "withering away of the state" once all the local Soviet communes were up and running.
Well we certainly do not want a Stalin-esque ending for the Paul Administration.
So there must a simultaneous 4 pronged attack on the bankster/government/media complex:
* Paul and the buy-gold-and-silver-long groups must make peace and form a coalition so a Paul victory is more likely and has teeth since the bankster/government//media complex needs much gold to prevent other gold from revealing the value of the dollar.
* Vote Ron Paul in.* Slowly eliminate regulation as the banksters and their genes are removed and trust in big business and government returns to the people.
* Encourage individual US residents to buy gold and silver, the one act the bankster/government/media complex cannot handle, again, since it needs much gold to prevent other gold from revealing the value of the dollar.
r paul must say regs 2 phase out
r paul must say regs 2 phase out
I don't think he's making this clear.
He can't turn off regulation like a faucet 1/2013.
There are too many affectless (aka sociopathic) people out there.
They need to be regulated until they can be scooped up by the net of normality where their lack of empathy sticks out like a thorn and prevents them from passing through the holes in the normality net.
I think voters are scared they'll be dealing unarmed with people whose brains are almost totally robotic emotionally.
I don't see him making this point, that there will be controls for the currently uncontrollable until they are taken off the streets by honest (as opposed to rigged) due process.
But that can't happen overnight - the judiciary is crammed with bankster supporters, some elected but some appointed for life, but all not above the law.
I don't think he's making this clear.
He can't turn off regulation like a faucet 1/2013.
There are too many affectless (aka sociopathic) people out there.
They need to be regulated until they can be scooped up by the net of normality where their lack of empathy sticks out like a thorn and prevents them from passing through the holes in the normality net.
I think voters are scared they'll be dealing unarmed with people whose brains are almost totally robotic emotionally.
I don't see him making this point, that there will be controls for the currently uncontrollable until they are taken off the streets by honest (as opposed to rigged) due process.
But that can't happen overnight - the judiciary is crammed with bankster supporters, some elected but some appointed for life, but all not above the law.
j sinclair's angels since 2000
j sinclair's angels since 2000
AS OF 2011/09/11
year angels
------ --------
2000 - 1 - 17 x 17 = 0289
2001 - 0
2002 - 1 - 18 x 18 (0324)
2003 - 2 - 19 x 19 (0361) and 20 x 20 (0400)
2004 - 1 - 21 x 21 (0441)
2005 - 2 - 22 x 22 (0484) and 23 x 23 (0529)
2006 - 3 - 24 x 24 (0576) and 25 x 25 (0625) and 26 x 26 (0676)
2007 - 3 - 27 x 27 (0729) and 28 x 28 (0784) and 29 x 29 (0841)
2008 - 2 - 30 x 30 (0900) and 31 x 31 (0961)
2009 - 3 - 32 x 32 (1024) and 33 x 33 (1089) and 34 x 34 (1156)
2010 - 3 - 35 x 35 (1225) and 36 x 36 (1296) and 37 x 37 (1369)
2011 - 6 - 38 x 38 (1444) and 39 x 39 (1521) and 40 x 40 (1600) and 41 x 41 (1681) and 42 x 42 (1764) and 43 x 43 (1849)
41 x 41 = 1681 aka 1650 (predicted by jim sinclair 2003 for 2011)
112 x 112 = 12,544 aka 12,500 (predicted by jim sinclair 2011-9 for 2015)
112 predicted - 43 so far = 69 left (average of 17.25 per year for the 4 years 2012-2015)
year angels
------ --------
2012 - 17.25 - 044.00 to 060.25 (60.25 x 60.25 = 3,630.06)
2013 - 17.25 - 06125 to 077.50 (77.50 x 77.50 = 6,006.25)
2014 - 17.25 - 078.50 to 094.75 (94.75 X 94.75 = 8,977.56)
2015 - 17.25 - 095.75 to 112 (112 x 112 = 12,544 aka 12,500)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
any constitution must deal w buyer beware
any constitution must deal w buyer beware
Things are just too complicated.
Checking out a car is alot more involved than checking out the health of a horse that most people could do in the 19th century.
There needs to be protection for buyers unless most regulation is gone and most people can be trusted, a process that will not happen overnight.
Things are just too complicated.
Checking out a car is alot more involved than checking out the health of a horse that most people could do in the 19th century.
There needs to be protection for buyers unless most regulation is gone and most people can be trusted, a process that will not happen overnight.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
scrap the US constitution...
scrap the US constitution...
Scrap the US constitution for a parliamentary one.
If we are going to go by the constitution, let's start all over with a new one, one that will work better, one of the parliamentary ones.
How about Holland, they even have a legal system dedicated to getting at the truth instead of the adversarial one we have.
Let's burn the US one conceived in Native American genocide and African slavery and total sexism and elitist classism.
Scrap the US constitution for a parliamentary one.
If we are going to go by the constitution, let's start all over with a new one, one that will work better, one of the parliamentary ones.
How about Holland, they even have a legal system dedicated to getting at the truth instead of the adversarial one we have.
Let's burn the US one conceived in Native American genocide and African slavery and total sexism and elitist classism.
Friday, September 9, 2011
deregulate quickly but not overnight
deregulate quickly but not overnight
Below there's a quote from Ron Paul and one about him.
I haven't found the 2 videos I was looking for that, in my opinion, indicated Ron was for stopping big organizations from having regulations more favorable to them by making smaller organizations.
It doesn't matter because I have discovered that he certainly is not for breaking up big organizations.
The problem was I couldn't understand that the transition to a free market happens quickly but not overnight and I could come up with no other way to prevent regulatory abuse than downsizing big organizations.
If someone had explained to me that things would happen quickly but not overnight, then I would have been able to understand that a transition to a free market takes some time because trust needs to be established between individuals and organizations in the west that have mistrusted each other for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, explaining an environment of trust, to most westerners, is a difficult chore at which I believe Libertarians are failing to do their best.
It's glossed over because it is so clear to Libertarians they don't realize how unclear it is to the rest of us.
But we, your audience, must be allowed the respect to discuss all of our concerns with those who understand better.
I was not afforded such respect but I am obsessed with getting to the truth.
Unfortunately, I represent only 1 vote and I have to wonder how many others are as truth-driven as I am.
To be blunt, Libertarians have been a big failure at the polls and it all can't be blamed on the rigged 2 party system.
Below there's a quote from Ron Paul and one about him.
I haven't found the 2 videos I was looking for that, in my opinion, indicated Ron was for stopping big organizations from having regulations more favorable to them by making smaller organizations.
It doesn't matter because I have discovered that he certainly is not for breaking up big organizations.
The problem was I couldn't understand that the transition to a free market happens quickly but not overnight and I could come up with no other way to prevent regulatory abuse than downsizing big organizations.
If someone had explained to me that things would happen quickly but not overnight, then I would have been able to understand that a transition to a free market takes some time because trust needs to be established between individuals and organizations in the west that have mistrusted each other for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, explaining an environment of trust, to most westerners, is a difficult chore at which I believe Libertarians are failing to do their best.
It's glossed over because it is so clear to Libertarians they don't realize how unclear it is to the rest of us.
But we, your audience, must be allowed the respect to discuss all of our concerns with those who understand better.
I was not afforded such respect but I am obsessed with getting to the truth.
Unfortunately, I represent only 1 vote and I have to wonder how many others are as truth-driven as I am.
To be blunt, Libertarians have been a big failure at the polls and it all can't be blamed on the rigged 2 party system.
If we were to choose freedom and capitalism, we would restore our dollar to a commodity or a gold standard. Federal spending would be reduced, income taxes would be lowered, and no taxes would be levied upon savings, dividends, and capital gains. Regulations would be reduced, special-interest subsidies would be stopped, and no protectionist measures would be permitted. Our foreign policy would change, and we would bring our troops home.
We cannot depend on government to restore trust to the markets; only trustworthy people can do that. Actually, the lack of trust in Wall Street executives is healthy because it's deserved and prompts caution. The same lack of trust in politicians, the budgetary process, and the monetary system would serve as a healthy incentive for the reform in government we need.
Markets regulate better than governments can. Depending on government regulations to protect us significantly contributes to the bubble mentality.
These moves would produce the climate for releasing the creative energy necessary to simply serve consumers, which is what capitalism is all about. The system that inevitably breeds the corporate-government cronyism that created our current ongoing disaster would end.
Capitalism didn't give us this crisis of confidence now existing in the corporate world. The lack of free markets and sound money did. Congress does have a role to play, but it's not proactive. Congress' job is to get out of the way.
This was enough to catch the attention of the Los Angeles Times, which pouted, “Voters who supported Obama in 2008 because they were promised change would probably be delighted at the speed with which Paul would try to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and [with] his resistance to involving the U.S. in foreign military actions.”
Those same voters, if Paul were elected President, would likely also be delighted at the speed with which he would begin the dismantling of the regulatory state; the turning back to the states their legitimate and necessary functions, usurped by the federal government; and, finally at long last, allowing the free market an increasing flow of oxygen to revive the economy and begin to repair the damage caused by all the statist “remedies.” As emphasized by author Mullen: "If reason, justice and equity are extremism, then it is time to listen to the extremists."
the essence of downsize-ism
the essence of downsize-ism
* One subset of downsize-ism is the the belief that all human needs and desires can be met by small, local organizations that can better assess that needs are being met for all.
* Another subset of downsize-ism is to seek to downsize the money supply to eliminate taxation by inflation and to seeks to downsize government as much as possible to increase individual liberty, but allow for whatever central government action is needed to break up organizations so big and non-local that they lobby their way to no regulations or regulations created and enforced by them to the detriment of small, local organizations.
* All politics is local, but not in the traditional sense of "pork", but in the need for small, local organizations.
* One subset of downsize-ism is the the belief that all human needs and desires can be met by small, local organizations that can better assess that needs are being met for all.
* Another subset of downsize-ism is to seek to downsize the money supply to eliminate taxation by inflation and to seeks to downsize government as much as possible to increase individual liberty, but allow for whatever central government action is needed to break up organizations so big and non-local that they lobby their way to no regulations or regulations created and enforced by them to the detriment of small, local organizations.
* All politics is local, but not in the traditional sense of "pork", but in the need for small, local organizations.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
9/6-7/2011 gold attack shadowed by 8/2011 attack
9/6-7/2011 gold attack shadowed by 8/2011 attack
I don't know about today, Thursday, 9/8/2011, but the attack on gold Tuesday, 9/6/2011 and Wednesday, 9/7/2011, failed to live up to the Tuesday-Wednesday 8/23/2011-8/24/2011 attack, even using less volatile square roots.
The square roots of the gold price moved down 3.9% those 2 days in August and then started up again.
The square roots of the gold price moved down 2.2% Tuesday and Wednesday (and then started up again).
If that's all they have or they're afraid to dump too much on the market and never get it back due to gold crazy nations and individuals all over the planet, then gold and silver should be moving up through the $2,000 and $50 barriers very soon.
I don't know about today, Thursday, 9/8/2011, but the attack on gold Tuesday, 9/6/2011 and Wednesday, 9/7/2011, failed to live up to the Tuesday-Wednesday 8/23/2011-8/24/2011 attack, even using less volatile square roots.
The square roots of the gold price moved down 3.9% those 2 days in August and then started up again.
The square roots of the gold price moved down 2.2% Tuesday and Wednesday (and then started up again).
If that's all they have or they're afraid to dump too much on the market and never get it back due to gold crazy nations and individuals all over the planet, then gold and silver should be moving up through the $2,000 and $50 barriers very soon.
Ron Paul: make msg downsizing 4 liberty
Ron Paul: make msg downsizing 4 liberty
Everybody wants liberty but most of the non-govt, non-bankster people don't realize that means downsizing.
Libertarianism should maybe change its name to downsizeism.
I heard Ron Paul say that busineses that get too big control their own regulation. Ergo, smaller businesses. Or Libertarians, remain rigid in your beliefs and keep losing elections.
Everybody wants liberty but most of the non-govt, non-bankster people don't realize that means downsizing.
Libertarianism should maybe change its name to downsizeism.
I heard Ron Paul say that busineses that get too big control their own regulation. Ergo, smaller businesses. Or Libertarians, remain rigid in your beliefs and keep losing elections.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
bathrm wall: if 9/11 inside job then 9/11/11 time for capitol chaos
bathrm wall: if 9/11 inside job then 9/11/11 time for capitol chaos
doing what Hitler did when he burned down the German Reichstag (legislature) building in 1933, i.e. blowing up the Capitol and its nearby office buildings, blaming Iran and declaring war on them, declaring martial law due to the loss of congressional records, etc., having Congress meet to reorganize only, since it has no records, in some Executive Branch building temporarily aka permanently.
This 9/11/2011 is a Sunday instead of a Tuesday so not too many should be killed.
Boy, this was sure alot to put on a bathroom wall.
doing what Hitler did when he burned down the German Reichstag (legislature) building in 1933, i.e. blowing up the Capitol and its nearby office buildings, blaming Iran and declaring war on them, declaring martial law due to the loss of congressional records, etc., having Congress meet to reorganize only, since it has no records, in some Executive Branch building temporarily aka permanently.
This 9/11/2011 is a Sunday instead of a Tuesday so not too many should be killed.
Boy, this was sure alot to put on a bathroom wall.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
how about the 1%'s 60% (roubini: we need massive stimulus)?
how about the 1%'s 60% (roubini: we need massive stimulus)?
Roubini: Slowdown Brings Forward New CrisisBy Scott Hamilton - Sep 6, 2011 12:28 PM ET
mish gets it wrong again
mish gets it wrong again
from, 09/06/2011:
Mike Shedlock (Mish), 9/5/2011:
Deutsche Bank CEO says "It's Obvious Many Banks Will Not Survive If Forced to Value Sovereign Debt at Market Prices"
'It's crystal clear to everyone but bankers and brain-dead analyst that banks need to recapitalize, except now it will happen after share prices have collapsed."
I say: WRONG!
The bankers know exactly what's going on and are hoping for more bailouts!
Monday, September 5, 2011
1%: we want your assets not your stinkin' taxes
Written on a bathroom wall:
"1%: we want your assets not your stinkin' taxes.
I heard someone, somewhere, mainstream tv while I was walking by possibly, say taxing the rich won't help.
Well, I for one don't want your stinkin' taxes.
I and others want your assets and since you will undoubtedly ship everything outside the US, I want your land.
It's not legal, it's not fair, but neither is spitting on the constitution and grabbing 60% of the wealth for you at the cost of tens of millions of deaths worldwide.
So please leave the US asap before people like me decide to brand you all as traitors and war criminals who are so sick you get put in institutions where you can prove you're healthy and not too dangerously sick to keep alive."
"1%: we want your assets not your stinkin' taxes.
I heard someone, somewhere, mainstream tv while I was walking by possibly, say taxing the rich won't help.
Well, I for one don't want your stinkin' taxes.
I and others want your assets and since you will undoubtedly ship everything outside the US, I want your land.
It's not legal, it's not fair, but neither is spitting on the constitution and grabbing 60% of the wealth for you at the cost of tens of millions of deaths worldwide.
So please leave the US asap before people like me decide to brand you all as traitors and war criminals who are so sick you get put in institutions where you can prove you're healthy and not too dangerously sick to keep alive."
Sunday, September 4, 2011
China Declared War On Wall Street And The City Of London
China Declared War On Wall Street And The City Of London
Entire article:
Posted on August 30, 2011 by horse237
Entire article:
Posted on August 30, 2011 by horse237
- China declared war on the City of London and Wall Street when they opened the Pan Asian Metals Exchange and PAGE the Pan Asian Gold Exchange.
- Their opening salvo will be fired in October when the Pan Asian Metals Exchange allows international investors to buy into a 90 day rolling spot gold contract which is for allocated gold. They already have a ten ounce mini-gold contract and a similar silver contract. The investor will have the choice of either take delivery of their gold or be paid in Chinese Renminbi. Major European and North American brokerages will allow investors worldwide to invest in the Pan Asian Metals Exchange.
- Six major Chinese banks will fix the gold price every morning at 8am their time.
- Currently, the price of gold and silver are set by the paper sale of silver and gold. The Federal Reserve is willing to pay JP Morgan, HSBC, Goldman Sachs and other banks hundreds of billions of dollars to short gold and silver.
- Currently the New York and London banks own and run the gold and silver exchanges COMEX and the London Bullion Market Exchange. HSBC also runs the gold Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) GLD and JP Morgan runs the SLV ETF. ETFs use some bullion and a lot of paper to simulate the spot price of gold and silver bullion. They are designed to siphon billions of dollars in investor funds away the bullion market to paper.
- Jeff Christian told us at the CFTC hearings that there is up to 100 ounces of paper gold and silver for every ounce of physical bullion. I have also written of leased gold where the UK and US governments lease their gold to a bank. The government is supposed to retain physical possession of the bullion and give the banks a certificate which is treated as gold. This paper gold is then sold five times and appears on the balance sheet of six banks as an asset.
- The Chinese will put an end to paper gold. They will set the price of bullion. They will allocate a bar of gold to every bar on sale in their futures market. This is called allocated gold. The LBMA and COMEX are alleged to have 90% unallocated versus 10% allocated. But I have heard of a married couple from the Mideast who had to threaten a lawsuit to get a ton of supposedly allocated gold back from their Swiss bank. And now Hugo Chavez has driven the market insane by demanding the return of his 211 tons of gold. Ben Bernanke is printing dollars as fast as he can to subsidize tens of billions of dollars in losing short sales.
- These new gold and silver investment products will be rolled out in October if not earlier. I have previously said that I expected silver to skyrocket by November. I also said that after silver goes through 53 dollars an ounce there will be no resistance to bullion going higher. When the New York and London stranglehold on the exchanges lose control, prices will jump. Of course SLV and GLD will be exposed for the scams which they are.
- If you can have a guarantee of allocated gold and silver, why would you do any business at all with the criminal bankers and Ponzi scheme operators of London and New York?
- Major London and New York banks, the LBMA, the COMEX, GLD and SLV are going down.
- A Comment On The Rothschilds and the Pan Asian Metals Exchange:
- I had previously disclosed the information about the 10% ownership in the Pan Asian Metal Exchange to my regular readers. I cannot put everything into every article.
- Go back in history to the Battle of Waterloo (18 June 1815). What did the Rothschilds do? They told the City of London that Napoleon had won. Lord Rothschild appeared in public to sell his shares. But he had his agents buy back all of his shares and those of everyone who was panic selling.
- In effect he declared war on the City of London in 1815 and won. The Rothschilds wound up owning the Bank of England until the post-war Labour government nationalized it.
- How much do you want to bet that N M Rothschild is long on gold and silver while selling all of their paper?
- One bank alone has 320 million depositors and 2.7 million businesses. If all the businesses just bought the 10 ounce mimimum, well there's only 5.5. billion ounces in the world.
food biggest bankster error
food biggest bankster error
They didn't take into consideration the inelastic demand of food which attracts dollars as do gold and silver that have very elastic demands but are sought by people worldwide.
So everyone is buying food, increasing prices and everyone is talking about gold and silver while few in the US actually invest in them.
The banksters are sitting on or investing $'s overseas to minimize inflation.
A few day ago, late August, 2011, it was reported that Chase, I believe, wanted to charge large depositors a fee for keeping their money in their banks. They finally decided that wasn't such a great idea.
This food mistake will cause prices so go so high the people will rebel in such great numbers that any police or military action will be overwhelmed by their numbers.
That's another mistake the banksters made. Letting illegal immigration advance to the stage where the US is the 3rd most populous nation, only exceeded by China and India.
The bottom line is that mentally deranged leaders make mistakes, otherwise the Roman Empire would still be in tact.
The Romans claimed hordes from the east overwhelmed them but their leaders were the descendants of the Julius Caesar.
The carried his name and some of his genes but not his abilities.
Remember, he held the Egyptian palace in Alexandria for weeks with just a small force.
Most often, when a force is surrounded they are starved out or burnt out, but he managed to keep open a line to the sea such that he could supply his troops.
His descendants lacked his abilities and were also crazies on top of that.
This is what is happening in the US.
General George Washington was outnumbered and outgunned and still beat the British in the end.
Nobody in power since him has provided this level of military success.
Instead, today, 2011, maniacs rule and like Rome they will be overwhelmed, again by hordes from the east in overwhelming numbers, who this time will buy large amounts of gold and silver and force the end of the dollar as the word reserve currency, which will end all the wars of aggression and delegate the US to the has-been status of the UK.
They didn't take into consideration the inelastic demand of food which attracts dollars as do gold and silver that have very elastic demands but are sought by people worldwide.
So everyone is buying food, increasing prices and everyone is talking about gold and silver while few in the US actually invest in them.
The banksters are sitting on or investing $'s overseas to minimize inflation.
A few day ago, late August, 2011, it was reported that Chase, I believe, wanted to charge large depositors a fee for keeping their money in their banks. They finally decided that wasn't such a great idea.
This food mistake will cause prices so go so high the people will rebel in such great numbers that any police or military action will be overwhelmed by their numbers.
That's another mistake the banksters made. Letting illegal immigration advance to the stage where the US is the 3rd most populous nation, only exceeded by China and India.
The bottom line is that mentally deranged leaders make mistakes, otherwise the Roman Empire would still be in tact.
The Romans claimed hordes from the east overwhelmed them but their leaders were the descendants of the Julius Caesar.
The carried his name and some of his genes but not his abilities.
Remember, he held the Egyptian palace in Alexandria for weeks with just a small force.
Most often, when a force is surrounded they are starved out or burnt out, but he managed to keep open a line to the sea such that he could supply his troops.
His descendants lacked his abilities and were also crazies on top of that.
This is what is happening in the US.
General George Washington was outnumbered and outgunned and still beat the British in the end.
Nobody in power since him has provided this level of military success.
Instead, today, 2011, maniacs rule and like Rome they will be overwhelmed, again by hordes from the east in overwhelming numbers, who this time will buy large amounts of gold and silver and force the end of the dollar as the word reserve currency, which will end all the wars of aggression and delegate the US to the has-been status of the UK.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
keiser not running liberty $ story?
keiser not running liberty $ story?
If he is please let me know.
I sent him 2 emails (
If he is please let me know.
I sent him 2 emails (
2011/09/02, from facebook gioup "why buy gold? (and silver!)"
http://blog.alexanderhiggins.c om/2011/08/31/feds-dutybound-c onfiscate-silver-gold-liberty- dollar-illegal-contraband-6678 1/
Hide em if you got em! This will also include the copper liberties.
The federal government has declare Silver and Gold Liberty Dollars as illegal contraband and warn they are now duty-bound to confiscate millions of them.
msg to those siding w banksters
msg to those siding w banksters
When the banksters finally mess up, as all sociopaths do, you will be tested for sociopathy too.
You won't like the outcome if you test positive.
When the banksters finally mess up, as all sociopaths do, you will be tested for sociopathy too.
You won't like the outcome if you test positive.
sq roots: gold up 1.6%, silver up 2.2%...
sq roots: gold up 1.6%, silver up 2.2%...
from low points.
I'm looking to go from silver to gold a little so I'm looking for that silver square root to go over 4% Tuesday or Wednesday, August 6th or 7th, 2011.
from low points.
I'm looking to go from silver to gold a little so I'm looking for that silver square root to go over 4% Tuesday or Wednesday, August 6th or 7th, 2011.
Friday, September 2, 2011
sq roots more orderly than prices
sq roots more orderly than prices
They reveal group behavior which is always more orderly than individual behavior.
I think that's pretty much all Jim Sinclair is saying he learned from his father who learned it from his friend Jesse Livermore, who made in the 1920's what would be about $15 billion in 2011 money.
I've been looking at the square roots of both gold and silver and a pattern is emerging.
When they move up or down over 4% then it's probably a profitable time to buy or sell if a person is inclined to do so.
I used:
to compute square roots on gold and silver closing prices.
Keep in mind this doesn't work at all when there is extreme manipulation like there was on Sunday, May 1st, 2011 in Asia in the evening in NYC when the entire western world, save Australia and New Zealand, was off for the weekend.
At about 7PM EDT the silver price dropped about $6 in a few minutes from $48+ to $42+.
They reveal group behavior which is always more orderly than individual behavior.
I think that's pretty much all Jim Sinclair is saying he learned from his father who learned it from his friend Jesse Livermore, who made in the 1920's what would be about $15 billion in 2011 money.
I've been looking at the square roots of both gold and silver and a pattern is emerging.
When they move up or down over 4% then it's probably a profitable time to buy or sell if a person is inclined to do so.
I used:
to compute square roots on gold and silver closing prices.
Keep in mind this doesn't work at all when there is extreme manipulation like there was on Sunday, May 1st, 2011 in Asia in the evening in NYC when the entire western world, save Australia and New Zealand, was off for the weekend.
At about 7PM EDT the silver price dropped about $6 in a few minutes from $48+ to $42+.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
paul needs page to win
paul needs page to win
Ron Paul can't win the election without PAGE.
But after PAGE (Pan-Asian Gold Exchange) goes international 10-2011 or before, the gold price may take off since there's 1 billion+ Chinese and only 5 billion+ ounces of gold.
The big banks won't be able dump enough gold on the market to hold the price down to fool people in the US.
Once people realize that the only way gold can be so expensive is due too many dollars, they can then imagine that maybe it's part of the reason costs for other things are so high.
The media propaganda machine won't be able to put the Genie back in the bottle.
The people will remember Dr. Paul's words about paper money and his deed, beating every stock broker in the country by buying gold instead of stocks and bonds.
Ron Paul can't win the election without PAGE.
But after PAGE (Pan-Asian Gold Exchange) goes international 10-2011 or before, the gold price may take off since there's 1 billion+ Chinese and only 5 billion+ ounces of gold.
The big banks won't be able dump enough gold on the market to hold the price down to fool people in the US.
Once people realize that the only way gold can be so expensive is due too many dollars, they can then imagine that maybe it's part of the reason costs for other things are so high.
The media propaganda machine won't be able to put the Genie back in the bottle.
The people will remember Dr. Paul's words about paper money and his deed, beating every stock broker in the country by buying gold instead of stocks and bonds.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
US $ glut like rigged monopoly game
US $ glut like rigged monopoly game
Imagine playing monopoly with 2 players but player 1 has all the non-player 2 money from the entire game (qe), and when that doesn't work player 1 also has a closet full of other monopoly games, and uses the money from a 2nd game for a qe2, a 3rd game for a qe3, etc.
Player 1 keeps the game going by loaning money to player 2 for for no interest or less if necessary, whatever it takes player 2 to take it.
How could such a game ever end well for player 2.
Player 2 will be totally defeated.
In the real world, player 2 (everyone in the west but the western world upper 1%) is being totally economically defeated by the:
* killing of tens of millions who used to spend most of their income on food but now can't afford to eat anymore.
* slowly impoverishing of everyone else.
Also in the real world there is gold and silver which reveal the excess supply of paper money.
Also in the real world there are people who have bought silver and gold to protect themselves because silver and gold are rare and fluid and money historically and keep their value while paper money loses its if its upside quantity control is eased (i.e. qex).
Also in the real world there is an Internet to spread the word along with making much paper money for its runners so they gain and lose by allowing the Internet to not only exist but become an important institution on the world stage.
Also in the real world there are some people in or near the upper 1% who use their status and their wealth and the Internet to fight the rest of the upper 1%.
Also in the real world there is China that has in its leaders better mental health power lacking in most of the west's upper 1% (5 year plans to improve instead of secret plans to destroy) and more economic power that again comes from better mental health at the highest levels of government and private institutions.
Also in the real world China will break up this crazy game like a parent scolding a cheating child, will send him/her off to his/her room, but in the real world never to again leave the room aka a nobody-gets-out mental hospital or a nobody-gets-out prison or a nobody-left-to-get-out execution facility.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sinclair: gold price acts like its sq root
Sinclair: gold price acts like its sq root
I've had litte sleep the last couple of days trying to make some order out of that statement by Jim Sinclair, something that can give us better buy and sell signals so that we can do more than just buy long.
I'm still working on it.
More later.
I've had litte sleep the last couple of days trying to make some order out of that statement by Jim Sinclair, something that can give us better buy and sell signals so that we can do more than just buy long.
I'm still working on it.
More later.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sinclair, 5/2011: I got help on "where gold wants to go"
Sinclair, 5/2011: I got help on "where gold wants to go"
Jim Sinclair said in 2009 that gold would hit $1,650 in 2011.
It did.
JIM SINCLAIR SAID IN MAY, 2011, "Take 90% of international US dollar debt less China and then add 50% of the US debt owned by China. Then divide that number by the ounces supposed to be owned by the US Treasury. The result is where gold wants to go."
Y E S !
Per group "Why Buy Gold? (And Silver?) 8/26/2011:
The first number is $2.56 T, the second is $800 Bn. The denominator would be 262 million ounces. The math comes to roughly $12-13K per ounce. I used January 2011 debt numbers and July 2011 US Treasury reported gold ownership rounded everything to the Billion for dollars and closest million for ounces.
Jim Sinclair said in 2009 that gold would hit $1,650 in 2011.
It did.
JIM SINCLAIR SAID IN MAY, 2011, "Take 90% of international US dollar debt less China and then add 50% of the US debt owned by China. Then divide that number by the ounces supposed to be owned by the US Treasury. The result is where gold wants to go."
Y E S !
Per group "Why Buy Gold? (And Silver?) 8/26/2011:
The first number is $2.56 T, the second is $800 Bn. The denominator would be 262 million ounces. The math comes to roughly $12-13K per ounce. I used January 2011 debt numbers and July 2011 US Treasury reported gold ownership rounded everything to the Billion for dollars and closest million for ounces.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
jim sinclair, 5/2011, "where gold wants to go"
jim sinclair, 5/2011, "where gold wants to go"
Jim Sinclair said in 2009 that gold would hit $1,650 in 2011.
It did.
JIM SINCLAIR SAID IN MAY, 2011, "Take 90% of international US dollar debt less China and then add 50% of the US debt owned by China. Then divide that number by the ounces supposed to be owned by the US Treasury. The result is where gold wants to go."
Jim Sinclair said in 2009 that gold would hit $1,650 in 2011.
It did.
JIM SINCLAIR SAID IN MAY, 2011, "Take 90% of international US dollar debt less China and then add 50% of the US debt owned by China. Then divide that number by the ounces supposed to be owned by the US Treasury. The result is where gold wants to go."
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
if all payment by square inch
if all payment by square inch
Circa August, 2011.
And a dollar = 8 square inches:
Then a coke at a fast food restaurant that cost $0.25 (2 square inches) in the 1960's would cost $1.50. (12 square inches) in 2011.
Similarly, a small hatchback car that cost 16,000 square inches in the 1960's would cost at least 120,000 square inches in 2011.
For the car, in square feet, that's 111 square feet (about the size of the floor in a small dining room) versus 833 square feet (about the size of the floor in a small one bedroom apartment).
So one can rent a dining room today for the same price as one could rent a whole apartment in the 1960s.
Now one can blame supply and demand, increased fuel costs, safety and pollution costs (and of course not dollar debasement) but a society is always judged by how it treats its least advantaged.
In the 1960s the minimum wage was about 20 square inches.
Today it's about 64 square inches.
That's an increase of 220%.
But the coke went up 500%
And the car went up 650%.
And gold went up about 5,000% (the stuff the powerful don't want US residents to buy).
So in the US society those who have power to make things happen, such as higher minimum wages and tariffs that every other country has to preserve domestic jobs, treat the least advantaged like the useless throwaways those with power perceive the least advantaged to be.
And what will the least advantaged do, well turn to more crime since they fear the police and military and won't dare revolt.
But if they did revolt they would find those with power to have vulnerabilities like trying to hide themselves in groups in gated communities and/or high rise buildings and/or obviously huge and well kept homes and condos and town houses.
And they love their fancy cars that may have bullet proof windows but they're certainly not ram proof.
And they have built building after building with glass windows.
If the disadvantaged ever figure out they could easily create many, many window replacement jobs, jobs that can't be outsourced...
Circa August, 2011.
And a dollar = 8 square inches:
Then a coke at a fast food restaurant that cost $0.25 (2 square inches) in the 1960's would cost $1.50. (12 square inches) in 2011.
Similarly, a small hatchback car that cost 16,000 square inches in the 1960's would cost at least 120,000 square inches in 2011.
For the car, in square feet, that's 111 square feet (about the size of the floor in a small dining room) versus 833 square feet (about the size of the floor in a small one bedroom apartment).
So one can rent a dining room today for the same price as one could rent a whole apartment in the 1960s.
Now one can blame supply and demand, increased fuel costs, safety and pollution costs (and of course not dollar debasement) but a society is always judged by how it treats its least advantaged.
In the 1960s the minimum wage was about 20 square inches.
Today it's about 64 square inches.
That's an increase of 220%.
But the coke went up 500%
And the car went up 650%.
And gold went up about 5,000% (the stuff the powerful don't want US residents to buy).
So in the US society those who have power to make things happen, such as higher minimum wages and tariffs that every other country has to preserve domestic jobs, treat the least advantaged like the useless throwaways those with power perceive the least advantaged to be.
And what will the least advantaged do, well turn to more crime since they fear the police and military and won't dare revolt.
But if they did revolt they would find those with power to have vulnerabilities like trying to hide themselves in groups in gated communities and/or high rise buildings and/or obviously huge and well kept homes and condos and town houses.
And they love their fancy cars that may have bullet proof windows but they're certainly not ram proof.
And they have built building after building with glass windows.
If the disadvantaged ever figure out they could easily create many, many window replacement jobs, jobs that can't be outsourced...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
gold 'correction" starting 8/23/2011
gold 'correction" starting 8/23/2011
And 38+ days and counting until the 4th quarter of 2011 when PAGE (Pan-Asian Gold Exchange) is supposed to open soon after for international (as in western) gold buying by a billion+ Chinese. This "correction" today could be the start of the last manipulated one, so I hope my Sinclair-esque prediction of an $1812.20 closing low is accurate and the price moves up after that.
And 38+ days and counting until the 4th quarter of 2011 when PAGE (Pan-Asian Gold Exchange) is supposed to open soon after for international (as in western) gold buying by a billion+ Chinese. This "correction" today could be the start of the last manipulated one, so I hope my Sinclair-esque prediction of an $1812.20 closing low is accurate and the price moves up after that.
soiciopath-ism: superset 4 all western isms
soiciopath-ism: superset 4 all western isms
Capitalism, socialism, communism, imperialism are all shadowed by sociopath-ism which is the story in the west since history has been recorded.
In the east the disease never caught on, feudalism ended long before the common era (1 AD) and there were no great worldwide (for the world as known at the time) imperial attempts like Rome and Britain and the US.
The great wall also began before the common era.
No, the east has a different approach to life aka isolation and unlike the west had no unbroken string of sociopath-istic booms/busts/wars seeking wealth for a few.
China knew of Europe and Africa early on but never tried to take them over, and not even their giant, in terms of land size, Russian neighbor.
We fear their impending domination through the prism of western perception of the world and expect them to do to the west what the west has done to the world.
The only big move against the west they ever made was in Korea circa 1950 and that ended in stalemate and 2 Koreas.
They could have done the same in Vietnam but didn't.
No, we must align perception and reality about China:
* China wants their people to own gold and silver while the US establishment is totally against the same thing.
* China supports exporting and limiting importing to put their people to work, and are fighting no wars, again, the opposite of the US which supports making the rich richer and fighting wars to acquire oil and stop oil costs from being coupled to gold, calling for anti-terroist emergency military actions against what they call terrorist nations and not caring about increasing exporting and or reducing importing, however much it makes the non-rich suffer.
* China debases their currency to create more exports while the US debases its currency to help a few wealthy people directly or indirectly through the oil-for-gold wars, totally based on lies about terrorism and unexplainable hatred of the US (it must be jealousy and is certainly not the scorched earth and scorched humans policies of the US).
No, China is not perfect, it has one party and no elections. But it treats its people better than the US that has the highest per capita prison population in the world and the US refuses to invest tax dollars from its regressive (thanks to deductions and inflation) taxes on creating jobs for tax payers, having no interest whatsoever in curbing imports to help them.
No, China is not perfect but it wants to keep its much bigger workforce on the job while the US slowly kills its unemployed, throwaway population through neglect, hoping it will kill itself through crime and/or service in the voluntary military in its wars to bust gold-for-oil-countries.
For if ever oil was priced in gold the price of gold would gush upwards like oil does when it's discovered and the price of fuel would do the same, waking up the sleeping populace, pulling them away from their sacred shrine televisions and cell phones.
The sociopath-ism reign would be over immediately instead of being put off by printing more and more dollars and limping from crisis to crisis until the rest of the world shuns the US dollar and shuns the US economy as it has already proven it has become just another has-been former empire as all empires do eventually.
Capitalism, socialism, communism, imperialism are all shadowed by sociopath-ism which is the story in the west since history has been recorded.
In the east the disease never caught on, feudalism ended long before the common era (1 AD) and there were no great worldwide (for the world as known at the time) imperial attempts like Rome and Britain and the US.
The great wall also began before the common era.
No, the east has a different approach to life aka isolation and unlike the west had no unbroken string of sociopath-istic booms/busts/wars seeking wealth for a few.
China knew of Europe and Africa early on but never tried to take them over, and not even their giant, in terms of land size, Russian neighbor.
We fear their impending domination through the prism of western perception of the world and expect them to do to the west what the west has done to the world.
The only big move against the west they ever made was in Korea circa 1950 and that ended in stalemate and 2 Koreas.
They could have done the same in Vietnam but didn't.
No, we must align perception and reality about China:
* China wants their people to own gold and silver while the US establishment is totally against the same thing.
* China supports exporting and limiting importing to put their people to work, and are fighting no wars, again, the opposite of the US which supports making the rich richer and fighting wars to acquire oil and stop oil costs from being coupled to gold, calling for anti-terroist emergency military actions against what they call terrorist nations and not caring about increasing exporting and or reducing importing, however much it makes the non-rich suffer.
* China debases their currency to create more exports while the US debases its currency to help a few wealthy people directly or indirectly through the oil-for-gold wars, totally based on lies about terrorism and unexplainable hatred of the US (it must be jealousy and is certainly not the scorched earth and scorched humans policies of the US).
No, China is not perfect, it has one party and no elections. But it treats its people better than the US that has the highest per capita prison population in the world and the US refuses to invest tax dollars from its regressive (thanks to deductions and inflation) taxes on creating jobs for tax payers, having no interest whatsoever in curbing imports to help them.
No, China is not perfect but it wants to keep its much bigger workforce on the job while the US slowly kills its unemployed, throwaway population through neglect, hoping it will kill itself through crime and/or service in the voluntary military in its wars to bust gold-for-oil-countries.
For if ever oil was priced in gold the price of gold would gush upwards like oil does when it's discovered and the price of fuel would do the same, waking up the sleeping populace, pulling them away from their sacred shrine televisions and cell phones.
The sociopath-ism reign would be over immediately instead of being put off by printing more and more dollars and limping from crisis to crisis until the rest of the world shuns the US dollar and shuns the US economy as it has already proven it has become just another has-been former empire as all empires do eventually.
Monday, August 22, 2011
some keep insisting deflation is the problem
some keep insisting deflation is the problem
Let's accept that deflation is the problem and more spending is needed.
Let's accept that food costs are up due to supply and demand, increased production costs including costs to assure safe products, improvements in food processing technology, etc.
So there's no possibility of hyperinflation.
Buying gold and silver should be done only because part of the west and most of the east want them to back up their currencies are as currency themselves.
Those countries that have and/or produce them may become wealthy, partially through buying and/or keeping them, partially through the pure luck of already having them or being able to produce them.
I think this alone is a good reason to buy gold and silver until, if ever, countries realize holding them is no longer a path to wealth.
As regards hyperinflation, we don't know the size of the money supply, the Fed won't tells us.
More currency creation may provide more jobs providing more goods and services that exceed the rate at which dollars being created.
Maybe it will take more than 3 years of extreme dollar creation from 2008 until after now (8/2011) to bring the US economy back to where it was before the housing bubble.
So the gold and silver buying countries may be wasting their wealth buying more gold and silver, other than for the small use of gold for jewelry and the larger use of silver for industry.
But if this is really the case, why won't the Fed reveal the size of the money supply?
Why hasn't Fort Knox been audited since 1957?
Why doesn't the treasury insist on examining the gold filled with tungsten China claims it received in 2009?
Why won't the government and the Fed tell us everything that's going on monetarily?
It's impossible to know what's really going on without these facts so I, myself, will prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Let's accept that deflation is the problem and more spending is needed.
Let's accept that food costs are up due to supply and demand, increased production costs including costs to assure safe products, improvements in food processing technology, etc.
So there's no possibility of hyperinflation.
Buying gold and silver should be done only because part of the west and most of the east want them to back up their currencies are as currency themselves.
Those countries that have and/or produce them may become wealthy, partially through buying and/or keeping them, partially through the pure luck of already having them or being able to produce them.
I think this alone is a good reason to buy gold and silver until, if ever, countries realize holding them is no longer a path to wealth.
As regards hyperinflation, we don't know the size of the money supply, the Fed won't tells us.
More currency creation may provide more jobs providing more goods and services that exceed the rate at which dollars being created.
Maybe it will take more than 3 years of extreme dollar creation from 2008 until after now (8/2011) to bring the US economy back to where it was before the housing bubble.
So the gold and silver buying countries may be wasting their wealth buying more gold and silver, other than for the small use of gold for jewelry and the larger use of silver for industry.
But if this is really the case, why won't the Fed reveal the size of the money supply?
Why hasn't Fort Knox been audited since 1957?
Why doesn't the treasury insist on examining the gold filled with tungsten China claims it received in 2009?
Why won't the government and the Fed tell us everything that's going on monetarily?
It's impossible to know what's really going on without these facts so I, myself, will prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
sinclair formula 4 me (a dummy)
sinclair formula 4 me (a dummy)
On August 10th 2011 gold closed at 1795.40.
Jesse Livermore discovered in the 1920's that if you take a high closing price, a price surrounded by lower closing prices, you can predict the next low closing price to be surrounded by higher closing prices.
The closing price before 1795.40 was 1717.20.
The closing price after 1795.40 was 1765.60
Thus, 1795.40, being higher than the 2 others is a candidate for being a high closing price.
The formula says take 1795.40 and compute its square root:
Its square root is about 42.37.
The formula says subtract 1.00 from the square root:
42.37 - 1.00 = 41.37
The formula says multiply the result by itself for the predicted next closing low price surrounded by higher closing prices:
41.37 times 41.37 = 1711.48
On August 10th 2011 gold closed at 1795.40.
Jesse Livermore discovered in the 1920's that if you take a high closing price, a price surrounded by lower closing prices, you can predict the next low closing price to be surrounded by higher closing prices.
The closing price before 1795.40 was 1717.20.
The closing price after 1795.40 was 1765.60
Thus, 1795.40, being higher than the 2 others is a candidate for being a high closing price.
The formula says take 1795.40 and compute its square root:
Its square root is about 42.37.
The formula says subtract 1.00 from the square root:
42.37 - 1.00 = 41.37
The formula says multiply the result by itself for the predicted next closing low price surrounded by higher closing prices:
41.37 times 41.37 = 1711.48
Saturday, August 20, 2011
tweaking livermore next-closing-low calls
tweaking livermore next-closing-low calls
It would seem that the technique (taking a closing high, computing its square root, subtracting 1 from the square root, then multiplying the (square root - 1) by itself) won't work while new closing highs are reached before the predicted next closing low.
There is just too much temporary safe-haven gold purchasing since the Standard and Poor's downgrading of US credit Friday, 2011-08-05.
I'm betting I can get the technique to work by waiting for a predicted closing low that is reached before a new closing high takes place.
* there was a high Wednesday, 2011-08-10 of $1795.40, then a predicted low of 1711,48 - but...
* there was a high Thursday, 2011-08-18 of 1824.90, then a predicted low of 1740.56 - but...
* there was a high Friday, 2011-08-19 of 1853.10, then a predicted low of 1768.20 - and I'm hoping for no more "but... there was a high..."
My money hopes so - it knows I don't like it showing it's the incredible shrinking currency of men and women.
Refer to
It would seem that the technique (taking a closing high, computing its square root, subtracting 1 from the square root, then multiplying the (square root - 1) by itself) won't work while new closing highs are reached before the predicted next closing low.
There is just too much temporary safe-haven gold purchasing since the Standard and Poor's downgrading of US credit Friday, 2011-08-05.
I'm betting I can get the technique to work by waiting for a predicted closing low that is reached before a new closing high takes place.
* there was a high Wednesday, 2011-08-10 of $1795.40, then a predicted low of 1711,48 - but...
* there was a high Thursday, 2011-08-18 of 1824.90, then a predicted low of 1740.56 - but...
* there was a high Friday, 2011-08-19 of 1853.10, then a predicted low of 1768.20 - and I'm hoping for no more "but... there was a high..."
My money hopes so - it knows I don't like it showing it's the incredible shrinking currency of men and women.
Refer to
spouses of sociopaths: what of your children?
spouses of sociopaths: what of your children?
I appeal to you to leave your crazy, ruling class, upper 1% spouses immediately.
You personally are in the clear.
I don't know abut your children.
You need to get them examined regularly.
The younger and sooner and more often the better.
Maybe something can be done for them if they have sociopathic tendencies.
I really don't think the emerging China-centric world is going to be so generous.
Sociopathic parent and child both have some of the same genes and that parent has manifested the kind of behavior that has been wrecking the world for the last few thousand years.
Do the new eastern rulers really want to risk the children turning out the same way?
At least if you could present them with some clinical data they might be more lenient.
You had better hurry because the west is just about through dominating the planet.
I appeal to you to leave your crazy, ruling class, upper 1% spouses immediately.
You personally are in the clear.
I don't know abut your children.
You need to get them examined regularly.
The younger and sooner and more often the better.
Maybe something can be done for them if they have sociopathic tendencies.
I really don't think the emerging China-centric world is going to be so generous.
Sociopathic parent and child both have some of the same genes and that parent has manifested the kind of behavior that has been wrecking the world for the last few thousand years.
Do the new eastern rulers really want to risk the children turning out the same way?
At least if you could present them with some clinical data they might be more lenient.
You had better hurry because the west is just about through dominating the planet.
Friday, August 19, 2011
keynes wanted to spend for DOMESTIC growth
keynes wanted to spend for DOMESTIC growth
Keynes wanted to spend to create DOMESTIC growth, not to transfer jobs overseas and certainly not to transfer wealth to the upper 1% who now have 60% and certainly don't invest very much of it in the US.
The upper 1% are sick inside and the result is traitorous behavior, taking US taxpayer money and using it to invest in countries whose leaders allow very little importing of US goods.
It worked for a while because Japanese and Chinese goods and services were so much cheaper, but how many who have lost their jobs would now be content to still have their jobs and pay more for goods and services due to the US imposing the kind of tariffs that other countries impose on the US?
China uses Keynesian principles correctly and look at the results, nothing succeeds like success.
For the US, "Keynesian" is just a word used to justify dollar creation for the sake of the upper 1%.
History will show that the Japanese took our technology and used it until this day to make quality products after we long ago stopped making quality products, especially cars in Detroit where we had a virtual monopoly.
History will show that China did the same but also took our economics and used it properly.
Unlike the Japanese they have military and people power as well so China will not end up like Japan, a satellite of the US.
No, the entire west will end up as China's satellite and the upper 1% will lose their assets because they're just not part of China's worldwide planned economy.
All westerners may do worse under China's influence, but there won't be a group anymore with more than half of the wealth.
Whether we want to take our chances isn't an option so let's hope eastern culture will allow westerners a place above ground if not a place in the sun.
Keynes wanted to spend to create DOMESTIC growth, not to transfer jobs overseas and certainly not to transfer wealth to the upper 1% who now have 60% and certainly don't invest very much of it in the US.
The upper 1% are sick inside and the result is traitorous behavior, taking US taxpayer money and using it to invest in countries whose leaders allow very little importing of US goods.
It worked for a while because Japanese and Chinese goods and services were so much cheaper, but how many who have lost their jobs would now be content to still have their jobs and pay more for goods and services due to the US imposing the kind of tariffs that other countries impose on the US?
China uses Keynesian principles correctly and look at the results, nothing succeeds like success.
For the US, "Keynesian" is just a word used to justify dollar creation for the sake of the upper 1%.
History will show that the Japanese took our technology and used it until this day to make quality products after we long ago stopped making quality products, especially cars in Detroit where we had a virtual monopoly.
History will show that China did the same but also took our economics and used it properly.
Unlike the Japanese they have military and people power as well so China will not end up like Japan, a satellite of the US.
No, the entire west will end up as China's satellite and the upper 1% will lose their assets because they're just not part of China's worldwide planned economy.
All westerners may do worse under China's influence, but there won't be a group anymore with more than half of the wealth.
Whether we want to take our chances isn't an option so let's hope eastern culture will allow westerners a place above ground if not a place in the sun.
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The banksters have taken 60% of all assets from the people, but all priced in dollars.
Those of us buying gold and silver are going to get another boost very soon because the market cannot be manipulated very long, probably $1936 (44 x 44) for gold and $64 (8 x 8) for silver.
China's buys will be the tipping point and even those who got in late will be able to make up for it with 5 digit gold prices and 3-4 digit silver prices.